Senin, 09 Desember 2019


It is 9 December again. And here I am (again) sitting down in new café that I wanna try, listening my top 2019 songs in Spotify, treating myself with a good food and reflecting my year. I think it is such a ritual, a yearly ritual. Hi 24 thank you for being such a great year, you are amazing!

Senin, 28 Oktober 2019



I was so excited when hearing that Joker will be filmed, I thought it was the solo movie of DC universe and Jared Leto might play as Joker like it was in Suicide Squad. I imagined that it would be an anti-superhero or villain movie. There would be a sadistic and action scene with light humour which tell us about how Arthur became Joker and how he fell in love with Harley Queen like how Wade Wilson became Deadpool and fell in love with Vanessa. But after watching the trailer I just realized, It is not part of DC universe but produced by Warner Bross and starred by Joaquin Phoenix. And after watching the movie I think I was totally wrong. It is not an anti superhero movie but more like a psychological movie that will bring your feeling up and down, sad and depressed like a roller coaster.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2019


Have you ever loving a group for long time and watching their concert is one of your goals? Yeah I feel it so long. I’ve loved Super Junior since I was in Senior High School. I love their music and their happy virus. I used to watch their variety show as my healing time, I laughed so hard watching their silliness and amazed with their talent in the same time. Actually they have come to Indonesia in some times for holding a concert, but because I was still in hectic days so I never watch their concert. Then suddenly in some months ago I saw this announcement in my twitter.

Minggu, 26 Mei 2019



Welcome back blog! Been long time not being here. Padahal pas tahun baru kemarin, salah satu resolusi gue adalah lebih rajin nulis sama baca. Tapi ternyata malah gak ngeblog 3 bulan dan belum sempet baca buku sama sekali sampai di bulan ke empat tahun 2019 ini #sad. Alasannya…… ya gitu deh ternyata banyak hal yang harus diurus, ya maaf emang ini gue anaknya sok sibuk. Btw it is almost midnight when I am writing this post, karena daritadi mau tidur tapi gak bisa bisa, jadi langsung ngide buat nulis aja biar cepet ngantuk. Padahal besok harus bangun pagi pagi banget karena mau ada event. But whatever, let’s continue! Ngomong-ngomong gak bisa tidur atau sleepless, gue jadi keinget salah satu album dari Epik High yang lagi gue dengerin akhir akhir ini, I am so excited for it! Karena pas gue baca liriknya, ternyata liriknya gue banget, why Epik High’s lyric always fit with me, WHY? So I wanna share to you guys about this album, I am sure it is pretty interesting.

Jumat, 25 Januari 2019


This post is still about Jogja by the way. Feeling like still need more holiday instead of back to this reality (sorry) lol. One of my favorite destination is Kebun Buah Mangunan. This is actually a peak of the hill where you can see an amazing view of the sky and hills. The green, blue, and white are become one. It is freaking awesome tho. Yet none beautiful thing comes without any effort. And yess the way to reach this peak is so tiring.

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2019

JOGJA TRIP ON BUDGET (Jalan Jalan Murah Ke Jogja)

Happy New Year Fellas! Hope it is a bright year to reach our goals as well! Cheers~~
Akhir tahun kemarin gue jalan jalan ke jogja sama temen temen gue selama 5 hari 4 malem. Jogja sendiri  bukan tempat asing buat gue, gue lahir dan besar di Klaten (kota kecil di sebelah Jogja) dan sering jalan jalan ke Jogja dulu pas masih tinggal disana dan beberapa kali pas gue pulang ke Klaten. Tapi karena temen temen gue ini belum pernah ke Jogja akhirnya mereka ngajak gue buat nemenin mereka sekaligus jadi tour guide. Sebenernya, gue udah  lama ngerencanain ini sama mereka, mungkin sekitar pertengahan tahun lalu. And on the last month actually I was broke and lack of money (lol) cause I had to pay my graduation bill, but I tried to manage it in many ways karena gak enak udah terlanjur janji sama mereka. Jadi terciptalah Jogja trip on budget ini (baca: jalan jalan super hemat) versi gue dan temen temen gue. Dan semoga bisa ngebantu kalian yang pengen jalan jalan dengan budget minim.