Jumat, 04 Desember 2015


Ini adalah tugas saya pada mata kuliah DRAMA menjelang UAS. Drama terpanjang dari sastrawan besar Inggris William Shakespeare. Teks asli drama ini masih menggunakan bahasa Inggris kuno yang masih asing dan terdiri dari berpuluh buluh halaman. Saya sudah mencari ke berbagai sumber namun tidak ada yang pendek, paling  pendek tetap 30 halaman. Tapi untunglah kami berhasil menyusun naskah ini hasil adaptasi dari A fifteen minutes Hamlet by Top Stoppard  yang telah di edit oleh grup saya. Dan tugas ini berhasil membuat kami begadang beberapa malam bahkan semalaman tidak tidur haha.

 Drama ini bercerita tentang Raja Denmark yang baru saja meninggal. Arwahnya tidak tenang dan datang mengahampiri anaknya, Pangeran Hamlet. Dia mengatakan bahwa kematiannya disebabkan oleh pembunuhan yang dilakukan adiknya sendiri Claudius yang ingin merebut tahtanya sebagai raja. Hantu raja ini menyuruh Hamlet membalas dendam pada Claudius. Sementara Claudius sudah menjadi raja dan menikah dengan istri raja sekaligus ibu Hamlet, Gertrude.Tak disangka Gertrude sudah tahu tentang pembunuhan yang dilakukan Cladius, namun dia hanya diam dan pura pura tidak tahu. Hamlet murka, dia ingin membunuh ibunya sendiri yang durhaka pada suaminya. Saat akan menusukkan pedang pada ibunya, Polonius sang penasehat kerajaan tiba tiba datang dan menjadi tameng Gertrude, Polonius mati dengan tanpa sengaja dibunuh Hamlet. Ophelia anak Polonius sangat sedih dan depresi mendengar berita kematian ayahnya karena Hamlet, padahal Hamlet adalah orang yang dia cintai. Tak sanggup menerima kenyataan dia pun bunuh diri dengan menusukkan pedang di dadanya. Melihat kejadian ini Laertes kakak Ophelia sekaligus anak Polonius sangat marah terhadap Hamlet, dia menantang Hamlet untuk beradu pedang dan membunuhnya. Merekapun berduel di depan kerajaan. Claudius yang licik memasukkan racun di minuman Hamlet saat dia bertarung dengan Laertes, namun tak disangka minuman itu malah diminum Gertrude, Gertrude pun mati. Di tengah pertandingan Hamlet dan Laertes, Laertes lengah saat melihat Gertrude meminum racun, Hamlet  berhasil menusuk Laertes dan membunuhnya. Sebelum mati Laertas berkata bahwa Claudius lah yang menyuruhnya berperang untuk membunuh Hamlet. Hamlet semakin marah, tanpa pikir panjang dia mengayunkan pedang dan membunuh Claudius. Hamlet lega telah membalaskan dendam ayahnya, namun disisi lain ia baru sadar bahwa semua orang yang dekat dengannya telah mati. Ayah, ibu, penasehat istana, Ophelia gadis yang dicintainya, dan Laertes temannya. Dia merasa bersalah dan depresi, ia memutuskan mengakhiri hidupnya dengan meminum racun.


The action takes place at a shortened version of Elsinore Castle.

A castle battlement. Thunder and wind. Two men, Marcellus and Horatio is looking around the castle.
Marcellus            : Hey look, who’s there?
Horatio                 : Where?
Marcellus            : There!
Horatio                 : What? Is it real? I think he is the King that has been dead!
Marcellus            : Long live the King! By heaven, I charge my speak..
Horatio & Marcellus are turning on the flashlight.
Horatio                 : No, he’s gone. He goes to the high eastern hill.
Marcellus            : Let’s give this information to Hamlet!
They exit.

A room of state within the castle. A flourish of trumpets as Claudius and Gertrude enter.
Claudius         : Oh dear Gertrude, I still remember about your King’s dead. The memory be green        and I still feel the dark clouds. But, could my sister be my queen? Would you be          my wife? And my dear nephew Hamlet will be my son.
Gertrude         : I still feel the gloomy days, too. But, life must go on. I have no king in    thismoment, and I think you are the right person to replace him..
Hamlet enters
Hamlet                 : What? What are you talking about, mother? Does my ears still work well? It’s still two months dead. The funeral baked meats still on the table! Then, it will be changed with the marriage table? So, you want to marry him? My father’s brother? Frailty! Is that a woman?
Gertrude            : I want to explain you about this, my son..
Claudius            : No! We don’t need to. Don’t be a kid, Hamlet!
Claudius and Gertrude leave the room.
Horatio              : *greet* My lord! I think I saw him yesternight. The King – your father. In the platform where we watched.
Hamlet               : What? It is very strange.
Horatio               : Armed, my lord –
                              He brought a sword! But a countenance is more in sorrow than in anger..
Hamlet                : My father’s spirit in arms? All is not well. Would the night were come? I want to     meet him..
They exit.

The castle battlements at night. There is the noise of carousing, cannon and fireworks. Horatio and Hamlet appear on the parapet.
Hamlet                     : The King! My father! Please awake now, show your spirit and take your rouse! Its custom is more honored in the breach than observance.
There is the sound of the wind.
Horatio                     : Look, my Lord. It comes..
The father’s ghost enters
Hamlet                     : Angels and ministers of grace defend us!
                                    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!
                                    Alas, poor ghost..
Ghost                        : I am your father’s spirit. Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.
Hamlet                     : Murder?
Ghost                        : The serpent that did sting your father’s life. Now wears his crown.
Hamlet                     : What? Is it real? The uncle..
The ghost exits

A room within the castle. There is a c of trumpets, leading into flute and harpshichord music. Polonius enters and Ophelia rushes on.
Polonius           : What are you doing, my dear?
Ophelia            : Father, while I was sewing in my chamber, I saw Lord Hamlet. He looks so strange. He looks so piteous and shaking.
Polonius          : Is he mad?
Ophelia              : I dont know Dad. He looks depressed and fear.
Polonius             : By the way, why you look at him carefully? Do you loving him?
Ophelia              : Oh dad what are you talking about? *Shy* Yeah but honestly Hamlet is a strong and handsome prince. And i always happy when see him.
Polonius             : I think you are being matture my dear. Well i will find him and ask what happen.
Ophelia              : Yess, please take care of him dad. Dont let him sick or feel bad.
Hamlet enters as Ophelia exits
Polonius             : What are you doing, my lord?
Hamlet               : Words, words, words
Polonius             : Though this be madness, you can’t act like this.
Hamlet               : I know the murder of my father!
Polonius             : Oh Lord, I don’t know what are you talking about now..
Polonius exits
Hamlet               : We’ll hear a play tomorrow. I will avenge my father’s death.
                              To be or not to be (put a dagger on heart)

A hall within the castle.
Claudius             : Son, I think you have to study to England with all your friends. You must learn how to be a great leader after your father and me. I will send you there..
Hamlet               : Well, let’s see the play first..
Everyone sits to watch the imaginary play, Masque music is heard.
Gertrude           : Oh, I don’t like the lady. She is protest too much. Do you like the play?
Hamlet               : Not really. He poisons the King  in the garden for his estate. You shall see how the murderer gets love of Gonzago’s wife?
Gertrude is shaking and leave the room, then Hamlet follows her quietly..
Polonius             : He’s going to his mother’s room. I’ll convey myself to hear the process.

In the Queen’s room. Polonius slips behind the arras as it is raised. Hamlet and Gertrude enter.
Hamlet               : Mother, I want to ask you about something. Answer it honestly!
Gertrude           : Oh, what is that dear Hamlet?
Hamlet               : Is it true that your King now murdered my father?
Gertrude           : What? No! What will you do? You will not murder me, right?
                              Help! Help! Hh..
Polonius             : Don’t.. do it..
Hamlet               : What now? A rat?! Huuh?! *stabs Polonius* Dead for a ducat, dead!
Gertrude           : Oh Lord, what have you done? O.. Alas.. he’s mad..
Hamlet               : I must be cruel only to be kind. Good night, mother.
Try to pin a knife to Gertrude but Polanius protect Getrude

Another room in the castle. Claudius and Hamlet enter
Claudius             : Now, Hamlet.. where’s Polonius?
Hamlet               : At supper
Claudius             : Hamlet, you have to prepare yourself. Everything is bent for England.
Hamlet exits
Claudius             : It is the present death of Hamlet, do it England!

Yet another room in the castle. Claudius and Laertes.
Laertes               : Where’s my father?
Claudius             : Your father has been dead. He has murdered/
Ophelia enters in mad trance
Ophelia              : What? Is it true? Who’s the murder of my father? No, you are liar, My dad hasnt dead yet. Oooo.. his grave rained many tears.
Laertes               : O heat dry up my brains – O kind sister..
Ophelia falls to ground and crying
Claudius             : I didn’t persuade revenge. But the offence is, let the great axe fall. Hamlet is the murderer of your father.
Claudius and Laertes exit
Ophelia              : No its not true. My love Hamlet has murdered my dad? Haha no it must be crazy. No my dad, tell me its kidding. *Crying* I cant accept it all, i better die than live with this feel, i wanna die. *Holding knife and suicide*

A churchyard. A Gravedigger and Hamlet enter.
Gravedigger     : Who are you sir?
Hamlet               : We were two days at sea. A pirates of very warlike gave us the chase. After hard fighting, they successfully took over my ship, so I became a prisoner lonely. They have dealt with me like thieves with no mercy. Then I can run away to this place
Gravedigger : I get the idea. In your mind who is the strongest, the mason, the shipwright or the carpenter?
Hamlet               : A grave maker. They make the house for till last forever .
Gravedigger     : I make this house for the poor beautiful girl.
Hamlet               : Who is the girl?
Laertes               :  What ceremony else? Lay her in earth, let her rest in peace. For you all please forgive all her mistake then the angel will love her.
Hamlet               : What happen? No Ophelia what happen with you ? This is me, The Prince *hug Ophelia*
Laertes               : No you are not prince, you are a devil. Take off your hand to my sister! Go away *try take off Hamlet’s hand.
Hamlet               : No I love Ophelia! What happen to you, please wake up !
Claudius and    : Stop it Hamlet, go!
Laertes               : *Pull Hamlet*
Hamlet               : Wait for this
All exit

A hall of the castle. Everyone take a bow as Hamlet enters. Laertes come with swords followed by Claudius and Gertrude.
Hamlet                 : There is a careless think that make this situation become complicated. I never meant to      kill your father and make your sister depressed. But I know this is too late. We are angry at the same time. Then okay let us finish it all.
Laertes          : Shut Up! Start it now!
They are fighting. Meanwhile Claudius prepare a drink for Hamlet which has been mixed poison and put it on the goblet
Claudius               : Stay give me a drink, this is for Hamlet, this is to keep him healthy.
Gertrude             : Im thirsty too my Lord, I will take it.
Claudius               : No, don’t drink that my wife
Gertrude             : Im poisoned, im poised! It is hard. Nooooo *fall down and die*
Claudius               : Hey save her, save her!
Everyone look into Gertrude, but Laertes is still trying to kill Hamlet
Then, Hamlet directly stabs Laertes.
Laertes                 : I’m justly killed by own treachery. *he falls*
Hamlet                 : Treachery?! Seek it out.
Laertes                 : It’s here, Hamlet! Here I lie, never to rise again.
                                The King! The King’s to blame! Blame him!
Hamlet                 : Then, I have to revenge my father’s death! This is the venom to your work! *he      kills  Claudius*
Laertes                 : Exchange forgiveness with me, noble.. Ha.. *he dies*
Hamlet                 : I follow you! I can’t live to hear the news from England!
                                The rest is silence. *he dies*

Saat pentas kelompok kami menambahkan slide presentasi beserta efek gambar dan suara untuk menghidupkan cerita. Selain itu kostum pendukung juga sangat penting, grup kami memilih untuk menyewa baju. Selamat mencoba untuk yang sedang mendapat tugas drama ini. Semoga bermanfaat J


8 komentar:

  1. Thank's a lot for this buddy. Sy sdah lama cari naskah drama tentang ini krna sy skrang sdang ada tugas pentas drama tapi semuanya tdk ada yg pendek sampe sy bingung. Dan alhamdulillah sy mnmukan artikel ini.sngt mmbantu skali. Once more thank's a lot broh 😊

  2. Sy boleh minta aransement musikx?

    1. Baru buka blog lagi kak. Dulu nyari backsoundnya di internet juga, trus pake lagu nya Sam Smith yg Writing on the Wall (instrument nya aja) pas adegan Ophelia meninggal

  3. I've been looking for this short script but have not yet met until now. and may i copy this work too? thank you very much.

  4. Sure, go on. Good luck for your project then :)

  5. I have assignment from my lectures to analyze this Drama. But after I read your articles it helps me lots. Thanks anyway.
    Is it available full script buddy?

    1. Hi dude! Sorry for being late, I just opened my comment tab. The full script is contain of 43 pages, maybe you can search it on google using Hamlet_The30MinuteShakespeare-1 better.pdf . Good luck!
