Rabu, 12 September 2018


Lately I prefer to watch Youtube than tv, it is wider and have more variety contents, you can choose what content that you want to watch and what is not. And Jaykeeout & Miles is one of my favorite channel in Youtube btw. For you who have not known about them yet, lemme introduce them to you guys. So Jaykeeout or Jay is a Korean-Canadian Youtubers, his nationality is actually Canadian but he lives in Korea and his office is in Itaewon Korea. He rarely (or I think never) talks about his personal life, we don’t even know his real name, Jaykeeout is his “stage” name , a slang language (created by abbreviation lol) of Check-this-out. He is more focus on his content then.
He did his video by himself before, but recently after his channel reaches over than 400.000 subcribers, he is helped by his friend Miles and changed his youtube channel’s name into Jaykeeout X VWVB (Views Vibe). His channel concerns about social experiment, cultures, thought, interviews and humanity. Below is the first video that I watched and made me impress to his channel.

He tries to give new perspective about Islam. The video was made when issues about Islam and terrorist spread in society after France and London attack in 2015. He tried to get trusted informant that know Islam better then interviewed her. From that video he concludes Islam is different from ISIS, just because one person doing something wrong, doesn’t mean all the family is wrong. I impress with his thought, even he is not a muslim but he gives new thought for people. He thinks that every person (in any race, religion, nationality, social status, skin color) has the same chance to be respected and treated well. Another favorite video of this channel are

Those videos give me such a good vibe, because as I grow up and become an adult we are too busy thinking about my responsibility, task, job, worry about future until forget to be happy and appreciate our self. Those videos from many people’s thought feel like open my eyes there are so much think can be loved in this life. And the tag line of Jay’s channel is “Spread good vibe”, you are successfully do that Jay! For more videos check Jay’s videos out here guys.

Then good news finally come, about 3 weeks ago Jay posted a news that he would visit some countries to make a video and to meet his subcribers. And Jakarta, Indonesia (my city) was written in his post. I was so excited to meet him and honestly I turned on his Instagram post notification lol. He got an EO to organize his mini meet & greet in Jakarta, and lucky me I got the tickets and a chance to meet him and Miles :D

The event was hold in 2 September 2018 at 4 pm in D’roof (Mall Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta). As I expect before he is as cool as in video, humble, friendly and good in holding Camera (ofc) lol. But the thing that surprised me, he is actually a little bit shy man, like he needed to retake speech for opening video in many times, he said because he was too nervous. The event continued with Q&A session, and I got a chance to ask question for him.

My question was : Nowdays, there are many Youtubers in your age choose to make a content about food, music, holiday, lifestyle or anything. But then I found ur channel and you concern about social issues. What makes you interesting in it and how do you get the idea to make those videos”
And his answer (briefly) was: He used to live in one country to the other countries, he has met many people and make him aware about diversity. Cultures and social thing is always interesting for him, because it is nice to learn and know about new thing. He want to share new perspective to people who have not known yet about it. He gets the idea from everything he see and he meet, the idea just come suddenly.

Later, I also got a chance to take picture with Jay & Miles. Firstly we made a line to take picture and get signature from him (it was literally like a Kpop star M&G dude lol). I brought my notebook with his logo printed on the cover then I ask him to sign it and write a word for me. He wrote “Fighting Ersi” in Hangul and “thanks for coming” in English. I said thank you for the beautiful videos and keep inspiring J. Then I met Miles, I asked him, what do you think about Indonesia? He said that Indonesia has the world’s best food, he has tried Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, I suggested him Sate then lol.

And the most Impressive thing was I got a chance to be interviewed by Jay guys (omg yes I am) lol. It talks about how I style my hijab, since it was the first time Jay saw many women with Hijab. And you know what I did, I was too nervous and got blank about what I said. Bad grammar and bad talk (it is embarrassing tho lol). Thinking about I will appear on my fav youtube channel and interviewed by ay fav youtubers was successfully made me shaking. And maybe Jay would be thinking twice to insert my interview in his video lol hahaha. But overall it is such a wonderful meet and greet  and give me a new experience tho.

Thank you Jay, Thank you Miles, keep spreading good vibe. You are rock!

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