Kamis, 28 Juli 2016



"Ball is circle" at least thats what people say. Then let us make a metaphore of Ball as it is an earth, yeah they both are circle. Ball is always go around when it is kicked, the earth also always rotate to around the sun. Sometimes it shows bright side and dark side, up and down, then curve and edges, all at once. Well yeah that metaphore also run for our life, hmm specifically my life.

Sometimes it turn down because kicked by problem, it goes to edges because we want to reach our goal. Everything can happen. Honestly I feel like lately my blog's post contain of "galau" post, maybe it is little bit suck to be read. But whatever everyone has their own way to express their sadness and dark side. I am actually a talk active person and teller, but for a sadness I choose to keep it. Other way writing is being my new option, I think it is better write than speak it. I mean I still speak it and let everyone know, but in defferent media, I speak it through song which represent me.

 I always looking for a song lyric which has the same mood with my mood. Maybe other people do the same and have their own song. And yeah this my lately song playlist which I think know my feeling and I like it so much.

Minggu, 03 Juli 2016


Enggak enggak gue bukan mau ceramah atau khotbah *mentang mentang judulnya pake Ramadhan*, jelas enggak. Di postingan ini gue mau share pengalaman gue yang langka selama ramadhan di suasana dan tempat yang beda dari biasanya. Eee tapi karena lagi bulan puasa dan gak boleh bohong jadi baiklah gue mau jujur kalau sebenernya ini cuma postingan curhat…. Enggggggg.